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By default, eViewer 3 has Open and Recent Documents entries in the application menu. The Open item displays a file dialog that lets the user choose an .ewriter file to open. This file extension is hard-coded and cannot be changed.

If you distribute a custom version of the viewer for application online help you may also use a different file extension for your eWriter Help files. The Open item in the menu would then be redundant. If this is the case, you just need to rename the viewer to hide this menu item automatically.

When eViewer shows an Open item in the application menu

The Open menu is displayed by the original eViewer – that is, the executable is named "eViewer.exe" (Windows) or "" (MacOS).

If you rename the executable for re-distribution, it hides the menu by default. (This is automatic, based on the internal resource string in the application itself.)

Standalone Windows eWriter EXE eWriter Help files (executable with HTML data on board) hide this menu item by default, since they don't "open" other eWriter files.

This behavior can be overwritten at runtime with the openmenu command parameter.

Original eViewer

Open menu on Windows

Open menu on Windows

Open menu on MacOS

Open menu on MacOS

Renamed eViewer executable

Open menu hidden on Windows

Open menu hidden on Windows

Open menu hidden on MacOS

Open menu hidden on MacOS