There are two kinds of include options (also known as build conditions): Output format include options and user-defined include options. Output format options are used to include or exclude content in specific output formats (HTML Help, PDF etc). User-defined options are used to create different versions of your project in any output format. In both cases you select or deselect the include options you want to apply when you publish your project.
Both types of include options are displayed in the same lists and are accessed in the same way. For details see the other topics in this chapter.
How to define your own include options
An include option or "custom build" condition is basically just a named tag with which you can identify topics or content in your topics. Once you have tagged your content you can then include or exclude it with the corresponding include options that you can activate and deactivate in the Publish settings.
1.In the Project Explorer go to Configuration > Common Properties > Custom Builds.
2.Use Add and Delete to add and delete include options. When you define a new include option you must enter a "Build ID". This is the actual include option tag and it cannot be changed later. (Changing it would break existing conditions in your project.)
3.Click in the Display Text column to edit the descriptive texts for your include options. These are just informative and do not have any effect on the functioning of the conditions. Keep them short because they must be displayed in selection lists in dialogs, which are generally quite narrow.
4.All the definitions you enter here are automatically displayed in all locations where include options are used.
See also:
Conditions and Customized Output