Microsoft has abandoned popup technology in Visual Studio Help. These formats have no native format for popups and do not support field-level popups. However, you can add Help+Manual's own JavaScript popups for display within the main help file.
Activating popups:
The option for activating popups is in the HTML Export Options.
For full details see Creating popup topics and Using JavaScript popups.
Customizing JavaScript popups:
JavaScript popups are user-customizable. Select Customize popup appearance option in HTML Export Options to display the configuration dialog:

Click/mouseover: |
Displays the popup on user click or mouseover (i.e. as soon as the user moves the mouse pointer over the link). Be careful with using the mouseover option as many users find this intrusive and it may also trigger popup blockers in some browsers. |
Border width: |
Enter 0 for no border, any value above 0 (in pixels) to draw a border around the popup box. |
Border padding: |
The distance between the popup content and the border or edge of the popup (if there is no border) in pixels. |
Background: |
The background color of the popup box. |
Border color: |
The color of the border, if there is one. |
Rounded borders and drop shadow: |
These effects are only supported by modern browsers: Internet Explorer 9, Firefox 3.6, Opera 10.6, Google Chrome 10 or later. |
See also: