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Breaking change: Table styles with heading rows

Version 8 fixes a table style problem that can break existing tables.

In version 7, a table displayed at least 1 colored heading row if (a) the table defined a dedicated heading row color or (b) the table style defined a dedicated heading row color. Even then, when a particular table defined its number of heading rows as zero (this is a table-specific property, not a style property).

In other words, setting a table style with a heading row color automatically made tables without heading rows display at least one colored heading row. This was in fact wrong and has been corrected in version 8.

This change may break existing tables which previously displayed a colored heading row, despite their heading row count was zero. You need to modify those tables and assign a dedicated heading row count > 0.

To restore the previous behavior of table styles, Help+Manual 8 has an additional setting in the Program Options dialog.


Rotated text in tables

You can now rotate text in tables to display it horizontally or vertically or a combination of both.


New Link Lists tool

If you look in the the Insert Object section of the Write tab you'll find an innocent-looking new icon:


This tool automates the creation of a wide range of link lists and "See Also..." lists that many users create manually. These include:

Lists of links to:

All sibling (same level) topics in the current chapter

All sub-topics in the current chapter

All anchors within the current topic

Topics modified within the last x days

Topics modified between two specified dates

See Mini-TOC and Link lists in the Basic Working Procedures section for full details and instructions.

Mouse wheel zooming

In response to user requests we have reversed how zooming in the topic editor with CTRL + mouse wheel works. It now zooms out (smaller) when you scroll up and in (larger) when you scroll down.