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This chapter describes how to use Help+Manual's tools for creating and managing numbered and bulleted lists.

Important: List formatting cannot be included in style definitions.

The formatting definitions for numbered and bulleted lists are currently still separate from the dynamic styles. You can control text and paragraph formatting of your lists and the list indents with normal text and paragraph styles.

The bullet types, numbering types bullets and numbering used on individual levels in multi-level lists are all controlled by the list definitions stored in the list tools.

These settings are applied individually to each list with the list tools and they are not dynamic like styles. This means that changing the definition of a list in the list tool has no effect on lists that have already been created. To change a list at the moment, you must always re-apply the list definition. This may change in a future version of Help+Manual.



tipbulbNumbered and Bulleted Lists

Bulleted lists (single level)

Numbered lists (single level)

Outline numbered lists (multi level)

Formatting lists

Formatting lists with styles

See also:

Formatting text with styles