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Editing Images and Screenshots

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You can also edit any existing image file in HelpXplain. This works in exactly the same way as editing a screenshot. The only difference is that you open an existing file instead of creating a screenshot with HelpXplain first.

See the Editing Images and Elements chapter for more details on editing and particularly adding elements to your images.


prod_tip       Productivity Tip

If you open a photo directly the Save option will offer to save it in the original format. Then also save as an Xplain to be able to re-edit later.

Open a photo or screenshot for editing

1.Select Open in the File menu and choose Open Picture.

2.Follow the instructions in Make and Edit a Screenshot for editing and saving.

Alternative: Use a graphic from the clipboard

HelpXplain can also work directly with any graphics from the Windows Clipboard:

1.Copy a graphic to the Windows Clipboard.

2.In HelpXplain select New in the File menu and choose the option Clipboard Picture.

This creates a new Xplain with a single slide containing the clipboard image.

Edit the image and export

1.Use any of the editing features in HelpXplain to edit and enhance your image.

2.Right-click on the image thumbnail in the Slides List on the left and select Export Slide > Save as Picture. You can then choose the image format to save in.

3.Select Save in the File menu to save the image with all the edits for later use if necessary (see below).

Saving your edited image for future edits

If you have added any elements to a screenshot (callouts, shapes etc.) you should always save a HelpXplain .xplain version as well so that you can edit all the individual elements later.

Save a HelpXplain .xplain version

Select Save As in the File menu and choose HelpXplain as the file type to save. This saves everything in a single file with the extension .xplain.

Save a static image for use elsewhere

Select Save As in the File menu and choose Static Picture as the file type to save. You can then save as PNG, JPG, BMP or TIFF.

The Favorites tool

You will often create elements that you want to reuse. You can do this with the Favorites tool in the Home tab:


Creating Favorites:

1.Select any element or multiple elements in the current slide.

2.Right-click on the element and select Add Selected Object to Favorites in the context menu.
Click on the Favorites tool and select Add Selected Object.

Using Favorites

Select an element in the Favorites preview, then click in the editor to insert it.

Managing Favorites

Select Manage Favorites in the Favorites menu. The favorites are shown in a standard Xplain editor window, just like a slide.