You can export all the texts in your project to an industry-standard XML file in the XLIFF format that can then be processed by a human translator using an XLIFF-compatible translation tool. The XLIFF file you get back then contains both the original text and the linked translation for each object. You then just need to make a copy of the Xplain and import the new XLIFF file to replace the text in your objects with the translated versions.
One language only in each Xplain!
Each Xplain can only have one version of the text in one language. When you translate your Xplains you will need to make a fresh copy of the Xplain for each translation. If the original changes you will need to make a new copy of the updated original and update it with new translation from the updated XLIFF file (see the section on updating further below).
Procedure for XLIFF export and translation
Step 1: Export the XLIFF file from your Xplain
When the text in your Xplain is ready you can export it for translation.
1.Open the Xplain in HelpXplain and select in the menu.
2.Select Export XLIFF under the heading. The XLIFF file will be saved with the same name as your Xplain and the extension .xlif. It's a good idea not to change the name.
Step 2: Have the XLIFF file translated
The translator will then process the XLIFF file and send the translated version back to you. This file will contain a translation pair: The original texts from your Xplain, each of which is linked to the translated version. You should keep this file in your project folder because it can be updated when the text in your Xplain changes.
Step 3: Make a copy of your Xplain and import the translation
1.Overwrite the original XLIFF file with the translated version you received from the translator.
2.Make a copy of your original Xplain and open it in HelpXplain.
3.Select in the menu.
4.Click on Import XLIFF and import the updated XLIFF file you got from the translator.
This will replace all the text objects in the Xplain with the linked translated text objects from the XLIFF file. Then you need to check through the slides in your Xplain and make any adjustments necessary where the translated text needs more or less space.
Updating translations
If the texts in your original Xplain change you can export the new XLIFF data to the same XLIFF file you created for the original translation. Just "overwrite" the existing file you got back from the translator with the new version. HelpXplain will add any new texts and update any changes to existing text elements. When the translator processes it they will automatically see what is changed and new and will only need to edit and translate those texts.
When you get the new XLIFF file back from the translator, overwrite your original file with it again and repeat the import procedure described above.
Modified versions of translated Xplains
The translated XLIFF file contains one pair of texts for each text element in your original Xplain. Importing the XLIFF can only update the elements that match. You can add elements in the translated copies of your Xplains, but those must then be edited manually because they will not have any matching elements from the original version in the XLIFF file.