Help+Manual News

Premium Pack 3.48 Maintenance Update

We have just released a very minor update of the Premium Pack with the following small improvements and fixes. You only need to update your skins if any of the following things are important to you.

How to Get the Premium Pack Update:

You can download and install the updated version with the credentials you received when you purchased. If you no longer have this please contact and we will help you out. See the Premium Pack product page for more details on Premium Pack 3 and visit our online store to purchase if you do not yet have it.

V3 Skins (WebHelp and eWriter versions)

  • Tooltips in ATOC menu: The ATOC_TIP variable was not set to HTML and as a result the   entity was displayed as code in the tooltips instead of as a space.
  • Disabling the ATOC: The ATOC_SHOW variable for disabling the ATOC was not connected and had no effect. This was never noticed because the ATOC menu is automatically hidden if there are no corresponding links in the current topic.
  • Top navigation button: In some configurations clicking or tapping on the Top topic navigation button would not jump to the correct higher-level topic.

CHM skins

  • Topic header components: Improved scaling on modern. high-resolution monitors and Windows devices.
  • Drop-down menu components: Improved scaling on modern. high-resolution monitors and Windows devices.
  • Topic header title text color: New variable (HD_TEXTCOLOR in the Header Components group) setting the topic header title color in the skin. This eliminates the need to set the color correctly in the Help+Manual  project.

Toolbox utility

  • Close project warning: If you open a new project or skin while one is already open a warning is now only displayed if the current project contains unsaved edits. This makes switching to a new project or skin faster.

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