Help+Manual News

Help+Manual (Beta) – DeepL Translation Plugin with New Option

Are you using the DeepL translation plugin with Help+Manual and have you ever experienced a translation glitch like this?

If yes, you will want to try this update.

The problem of spaces getting mixed up in the translation is an AI problem at DeepL’s end. The AI attempts to split the XML that we send to their servers and group it into outlines, basically sentences. The issue we are seeing in the screenshot above, has to do with an incorrect split of sentences by DeepL’s AI.

We have implemented a new option in the DeepL plugin, to turn off automatic splitting altogether. The option is on the about page shown in the next screenshot. If you switch it off, you will get different result than before. We tell DeepL where exactly it has to split sentences and where not.

This is a hot topic, because we do not know if it has any side effects. After all, the original version works flawlessly in 99% of all cases, but fails sometimes. As far as we could test it, it works better than before. But with AI involved you never know for sure.

We encourage you to try this beta version and experiment with the new translation option. Let us know if it works for you or if you experience any translation glitches.

Help+Manual 9.6.1 BETA

Help+Manual Translation Assistan 9.6.1 BETA


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