It’s this time of the year again. We wish all our users a Merry Christmas and a peaceful holiday season! Whether you celebrate it with your family, with friends, just by yourself or not at all, enjoy the days.
And just in case you still need an idea for a last minute gift: how about giving away free software?
SnipSVG, our free image editor and screen capture tool for Windows and Mac is the perfect giveaway: just buy a small USB stick and install SnipSVG in portable mode, directly on the thumb drive. Wrap it nicely and give it to someone who you love and who loves being creative.
Our Christmas card this year comes as an SVG file. Created with SnipSVG, of course. What else?
Albeit this one was created with the very latest internal version, which already has a couple of new features. For instance, we find it kind of cool to embed web videos into screenshots, especially when the screenshot is a single self-contained SVG file. So, if you wonder if this “play” button in the image below is clickable, just give it a try 🙂 Enjoy!