If you ignore everything else in the documentation, read this page. The tools and settings here will massively improve your work with SnipSVG.
The Picture Frame
•The Picture Frame defines the borders of your image. Everything inside it is in the image, everything outside it is not.
•Set the standard Picture Frame size in File > Preferences (see below).
•The main image is magnetic and clicks to the picture frame when you drag it. Use SHIFT + Drag to realign other images and elements with the Picture Frame.
•Click outside the frame and press CTRL+R or select Autosize Picture in the format panel on the right to align the Picture Frame to its contents.
Favorites and defaults
This should be one of your most used tools in SnipSVG. Put pre-edited elements here and insert them in your pictures with a single click. For example a callout text bubble with a specific font, style, color and shadow. Or a marker shape with a specific color and shadow.
Learn how in Favorites & Defaults.
Speed cloning
This should be your most used trick: Select an element, then hold down SHIFT and right-click to clone it. This is invaluable for multiple text bubbles, shapes and even numbering tags. Numbering tags auto-increment when you do this!
Important tools
•Drag to move an element
•CTRL + Drag to move the entire image / canvas
•SHIFT + Drag to move elements with snap to grid/Picture Frame
•Turn on snapping in the Canvas Settings for easier alignment of elements, then hold down SHIFT while dragging elements.
•Speed cloning: Select an element, then hold down SHIFT and right-click to clone it.
Important settings
Select Preferences in the File menu for:
•Program options: Startup, system tray in Windows
•New picture: Size and format, insert from clipboard
•Text Defaults: Font and text size
•Canvas settings: Snap options and grid size
•Scrollbars: On or off
•Slippy canvas: When scrollbars are off you can drag the canvas directly. Use CTRL + drag when they are on.
Current picture settings
Click on an empty area in the canvas to display the picture settings in the Format Panel on the right.
View settings
Select the View menu for:
•Size and zoom
•Light and dark modes
•Toolbar style
•Interface language