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You can directly import Microsoft PowerPoint® presentations and templates, which you can then use as a basis for your animated Xplains in HelpXplain. This topic is a reference to what is included and excluded in PowerPoint imports to HelpXplain.

PowerPoint import is static, without animations

HelpXplain only import objects and layout

It's important to understand that HelpXplain only imports the objects and layout in PowerPoint presentations. It does not import animations, slide transitions or other dynamic PowerPoint features like macros. What you do get are all texts, graphical objects and backgrounds. The idea is to be able to use your PowerPoint presentations as templates for your work with HelpXplain.

This is not a PowerPoint to HTML converter

Since the import is static this is also not a PowerPoint-to-HTML converter. There are other tools available for that task. HelpXplain's PowerPoint import is designed solely to give you a wider range of templates to work with.

What is imported, what isn't imported

PP slides:

PowerPoint slides, including their backgrounds, objects and texts.

Any master slides in the PowerPoint presentation. These are added to the Insert Slides menu as options for new slides.

Basic text styles for the title and body texts in the PowerPoint presentation.

Presentation slides, including their backgrounds, objects and texts.

Any master slides in the presentation. These are added to the Insert Slides menu as options for new slides.

Basic text styles for the title and body texts in the presentation.

Presentation slides, including their backgrounds, objects and texts.

Any master slides in the presentation. These are added to the Insert Slides menu as options for new slides.

Basic text styles for the title and body texts in the presentation.



Text boxes

Shape fills and outlines, with the exception of pattern fills

Basic text formatting, including font, size, color (the options available in HelpXplain)

Basic paragraph formatting (the options available in HelpXplain)

Bullets and numbered lists are converted to text-based lists on import

Single-color shape outlines and dashed outlines

All animations, transitions, macros etc. in the PowerPoint presentation are ignored.

Tables, videos and any external objects referenced in the PowerPoint presentation are not imported.

Bullets using graphical images

Distance of text to the outline of a shape

Text and outline fills with gradients, patterns or images. (i.e. plain text and outline color only)