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The settings for the appearance and features of the viewer app are stored in each eWriter Help file. You configure them in your project.

Look in the Project Explorer on the left while your project is open and navigate down to Configuration > Publishing Options > eWriter Help. There are two tabs of settings, Visual Appearance and Menus and Translation. See the previous topic for the settings in the first tab.

Menus and Translation Settings

The functions in this tab allow you to enable and customize the two types of menus that can be displayed in the eViewer: An application menu to be displayed at the top left corner of the viewer, and a context menu to be displayed when the user right-clicks in a topic page.



prod_tip       Zoom +/- Keys

In your finished eWriter Help file pressing the CTRL+[Plus] and CTRL+[Minus] keys will zoom the eViewer display in and out


Activating and deactivating menus

Select the check boxes above the menu types to include or exclude the menus from your Help file.

Changes since the previous version

Application menu and context (right-click) menu

Application Menu

This is the menu accessed in the top left corner of the eWriter viewer window. The title is always displayed, so you need to configure it even when you turn the menu itself off. When the eViewer is opened on its own without an eWriter Help file, it displays "eViewer".

No menu entries:

Application menu button is displayed without an arrow and with the short title of the project.

Menu entries:

Menu button includes a drop-down arrow for opening the menu.

Command line:

The contents of the menu can be affected by command line switches if you are calling eWriter Help from your application. See EWriter for Software Help for full details.

Context menu (required for disabling copying and printing!)

This is the menu displayed when the user right-clicks in an eWriter book. If you don't activate this the right-click menu of the embedded web browser engine is used.

Disabling copying and printing:
Note that you can only disable copying and printing (see General Settings) if the custom context menu is enabled, because this replaces the browser's context menu. The embedded browser's context menu automatically supports copying and printing and this cannot be disabled by the eWriter viewer if it has not been replaced by a custom context menu.

Configuring and customizing menus

Existing menu items: Click in the demo menu to select an item or position in the menu. Then click on the entry type on the right and configure it with the options displayed.

New items: Click in the menu where you want to insert the item and select Add or Insert. Then define the menu type and configure it.

Moving items: Select the item and use the four move buttons to move it around. The < and > buttons are only active for items below submenu items.

Deleting and resetting: The Delete button removes the current item. The Reset button restores all menus to the default settings, deleting any custom menus.

Entry types


A number of standard commands supported by the viewer. They include commands for navigation, selecting and copying text, printing pages and closing the viewer.

The :home command is no longer available

This command is deprecated in the new version of eViewer and if you add it, or if it is already configured from an earlier version, it will not be displayed in your eWriter Help file.

Page link

A link to a topic page in your help file. You can select the page from a drop-down list of all the pages in your source folder.

The field can also be edited manually. This enables you to use this feature when compiling a modular project made up of multiple projects to eWriter. Then you just need to manually enter the topic ID of the topic you want to link to in any of the projects that are going to be published to the eWriter book.

Web link

A link to an external web page.

Enter the full URL, including the http:// or https:// prefix.

Pages will open in the Help file viewer or the user's default browser, depending on the setting in the General Settings screen.

Execute external file:

Creates an entry that runs a program or opens an external document. Enter the name and path to the file and any additional execution parameters you wish to use.

Sub-menus and dividers:

These entries create sub-menu headings and dividers to organize your menus. After creating a sub-menu you can move other entries into the sub-menu with the four move buttons (up / down / left / right).


The captions displayed in the menus. Add a an ampersand (&) character before the letter that you want to be active for the keyboard shortcut for the menu option.